Winter Hype Starts as ECMWF Says “Cold”, but CFS Says “Not So”


You may have seen on social media the winter weather hype starting as the January monthly forecast from the ECMWF model shows cold weather across the eastern part of the country. It also shows dry and cold weather across the Midwest and cold and wet weather (snow) along the East Coast.

Now, opposite to that is the CFS model monthly forecast for January which shows warm and wet weather across the East which is opposite to the ECMWF model.

All the maps are below for your viewing pleasure. 

So which model is correct? This is only July and we have over 6 months until next January so most likely the models will change each month giving rise to times of excitement and times of winter depression.

ME, I leaning toward a snowy winter in the East. Maybe even a Big Daddy!


Seasonal forecasts.

Maps from and