Snow Spreads from New Mexico and Texas to the Northeast. South Has Flooding and Severe Storms Again!

The southern part of the country will get hit by flooding and severe storms. We could see tornadoes by Wednesday as early spring weather fuels the storms.

Severe Weather Maps

Excessive Rainfall Maps

QPF Maps


New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle get hit by heavy snow first. Looks likes over 4 inches in many areas of the 1-40 and I-25 corridors.




Henry, I did see some pictures recently of several inches of snow in north Georgia (even northern suburbs of Atlanta) through Tennessee and Kentucky so it’s not completely impossible that some southeast locales in the high elevations might not see an occasional bout of snow on the tail end of storms as they pass.


We got a freak snowstorm in NE Georgia, Saturday morning. At my house, six inches of snow fell in just 3 1/2 hours. Last week we got 5 in. of rain, then 6 in. of snow Saturday, and now 4 to 5 in. more rain expected this week. This is true “weather madness”. Just shoot me already!